When will my order arrive?
It doesn't matter if you placed your order online, or ordered over the phone, you can view the status of your order by logging into your AccuQuilt.com account and viewing My Orders.
- Processing means that your order has not yet shipped from our Warehouse
- Complete means your order has shipped.
Your order will be shipped to you via FedEx and/or USPS SmartPost. Once your order is Complete and has left our Warehouse, you will receive a confirmation email with the FedEx Tracking number for your shipment.
Using this Tracking Number, you can follow the shipping progress of your order using the FedEx website. Here's a quick link: http://www.fedex.com/in/domestic/track/
Due to the times we are currently living in, the actual time that your order is in-transit from our Warehouse to your delivery address may vary depending on the region of the country and your shipping method.
Still have questions?
- Please contact the Customer Experience team by creating a Help Center Support Ticket at: Create a Customer Support Ticket describing your question. You can also contact us directly via online Live Chat, Monday - Friday between the hours of 8am - 5pm CT.
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